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The Imitation of Christ


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This classic of Christian devotional literature has brought understanding and comfort to millions for centuries. Both Protestants and Catholics — as well as mystics and historians of religious thought — have studied these meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus, finding in them a path to prayer and spiritual guidance. Written in a candid and conversational style, The Imitation of Christ discusses liberation from worldly inclinations, recollection as a preparation for prayer, the consolations of prayer, and the place of eucharistic communion in a devout life. With its simple, readable text, this translation will appeal to new readers as well as to those already familiar with this religious classic.

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the imitation of christ wikipedia the imitation of christ is a christianvotional book by thomas kempis firstposed in latin as de imitatione christi ca. 14181427. it is a handbook for spiritual life arisingom the devotio mrna movement of which kempis was a member.
the imitation of christ kempis thomas 9781945644443 the imitation of christ consists of four books with short chapters in each book. the core message of the work is humility and for christians to shut out the world andny himself. it also discusses the importance of the sacrament of eucharist. i was drawn to this book after reading st therese of lisieuxs story of a soul.

the imitation of christ living the life the imitation of christ we invite you to partner with us as we work to build out a vision for amplifying the lifeimpacting themes of the imitation of christ. this special edition is our thank you for your support.

the imitation of christ by thomas kempis imitation of christ was written by a benedictine monk around 1429. the truth he writes of transcends centuries and applies as much to todays mrn man/woman as it did back then because it addresses the issues and attits that lie in the human heart. our world will never change until we collectively change our heart attits.

the book the imitation of christ the imitation of christ he that follows me shall not walk in darkness says the lord. these are the words of christ by which we are remid that we must copy his life and conduct if we wish to be truly enlightened and to beliveredom all blindness of heart. to meditate on the life of jesus should therefore be our chief study.

the imitation of christ ix the 15th century treatise of the imitation of christis one of the most popular christian books of all time. is generally now regad as the product of thomas a kempis. the work is a manual ofvotion assisting the soul in its pursuit of holiness andmunion with god. written as it was for the monastic life it presents a high standard

the imitation of christ coptic place the imitation of christ. as editor and translator he was not without faults but thanks to him the . imitation. became and has remained after the bible the most wly read book in the world. it is his edition that is the imitation of christ thomas kempis

catholic treasury imitation of christ the imitation of christ by thomas kempis table of contents foreword book one. thoughts helpful in the life of the soul 1. imitating christ and despising all vanities on earth 2. having a humble opinion of self 3. the doctrine of truth 4. prnce in action 5.


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